Pres. Kennedy: 25 May1 961
“First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.”
Yellow – Man missions
Green – Surveyor missions
Red – Luna missions
Green – Surveyor missions
Red – Luna missions
Below is a link to the SPST’s 2017 Tri-Fold Brochure.
The SPST Philosophy
- PST will support National Exploration goals
- SPST will support Space Infrastructure development
- SPST role is purely complementary
- SPST has “No axes to grind”
- SPST seeks to improve process, not force a specific solution
What SPST has to Offer
- Diverse, Hands-on Experienced and Knowledgeable Team
- SPST has a passion for Revolutionary Improvement of Space Transportation and we want to help
- The SPST wants to break the mold of Business as Usual
- “If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you always got” Deming Quote
- SPST can provide our existing products and processes presently not included or used in the NASA or Other Government and Industry Process
- Providing Services, e.g., Workshops, Studies, and Assessments – examples: Provide the insight into reducing cost by improving Operability and Dependability
- Provide documented “shortfalls” insight of present RLV shuttle system
- Provide “lessons learned” from many programs and years of experience.
- Provide Integrated Workshop Technology Assessment Results for Both the Top-down and Bottoms-up Requirements Identification Process